King Antonio
Carrying Out the Texas Cavaliers Mission and Vision

King Antonio CII (2025) - Paul A Rohlfs Jr

Paul Arthur Rohlfs, Jr., King Antonio CII, is a proud San Antonian who is honored to represent the Texas Cavaliers as King Antonio for Fiesta 2025. A member of the Texas Cavaliers since 2007, Paul continues a cherished family tradition as a third-generation member, following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather. His grandfather, Porter Loring, Jr., notably served as King Antonio LIII in 1975, marking a significant milestone this year with a 50-year legacy.

Paul’s involvement with the Texas Cavaliers has allowed him to forge meaningful connections within our community, including with local leaders, the military and his fellow Cavaliers, all while supporting San Antonio’s children’s charities.

Over his seven years serving on the board of directors of the Texas Cavaliers, Paul has taken on key roles including Commander in 2023-2024 and Parade Marshal of the River Parade in 2020-2021 raising over $2 million for children’s charities of San Antonio, which included the organization’s first-ever $1 million grant to the Will Smith Zoo School. He also participates as a member of the Mounted Platoon, a group within the Cavaliers dedicated to preserving the tradition of horsemanship. In addition, Paul serves as a trustee of the Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation.

He graduated from Alamo Heights High School and Texas A&M University and holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in accounting and a Master of Science in finance. Paul is a certified public accountant and serves as a managing principal and partner at Milam Real Estate Capital.

Paul and his wife, Helen, are the proud parents of two energetic boys, Paul III (10) and William (7). The family attends First Presbyterian Church and enjoys outdoor activities such as fishing and hunting. Paul’s community involvement includes serving on the board of commissioners of the Fiesta® San Antonio Commission. He is also a past president of the San Antonio German Club and previously served on the building committee of San Antonio Academy.

With great anticipation, Paul and his family look forward to celebrating Fiesta and all that San Antonio has to offer – its vibrant music, diverse cultures, lively parades and delicious food! Alongside the Texas Cavaliers, King Antonio CII is excited about the numerous planned visits to schools, nursing homes, charitable organizations, military bases, hospitals and many other events, sharing in the Fiesta joy and festivities throughout San Antonio.



Media Contact

For all media inquiries or to schedule an interview with the Texas Cavaliers email Ashley Landers or call 210-828-8003