It is easy to give a tax-deductible gift to the Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation. Join us in supporting children’s charities throughout our city by making an online donation now or by sending a check made payable to:
The Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation
909 NE Loop 410, Suite 903
San Antonio, TX 78209
Phone: 210-822-2216
Send an Email
Ways to Give
It is through your generous donations that we continue to be a present and vital member of the San Antonio community. There are a number of different ways you and your family can give to the Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation and we are thankful for any contribution you make.
River Parade Children’s Program
Approximately 900 special children from local charities attend the River Parade and receive a free ticket to the River Parade, dinner and gifts from the Texas Cavaliers. This is a very public display of our mission to help Texas children.
River Parade Military Program
The Texas Cavaliers are proud of the brave men and women of our country’s armed forces. Each year active military personnel, wounded warriors and their families are treated to special seating and a delicious meal at the River Parade at no cost.
Adopt-A-Charity Program
The Texas Cavaliers are proud to support approximately sixty-three charities this year. Through our partnerships with these charities, we are serving thousands of children throughout San Antonio. Adopt-a-charity of your choice; 100% of your donation goes directly to your adopted charity.
Charities We Support Adopt-a-charity of Your ChoiceMemorials
What better way to remember a loved one than with a gift to the Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation. A lasting tribute in memory of a loved one will allow the Foundation to improve the lives of needy children.
No matter what the occasion; a gift in honor of a family member, friend or colleague will make a lasting impression on your loved ones and friends. Additionally, your gift will benefit children throughout our community.
Planned Giving
When you review your will, keep The Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation in mind. Your lasting gift will contribute to the foundation’s long-term financial well-being and allowing the Foundation to be a significant donor to a variety of important children’s charities. It is the gift that keeps on giving.