Texas Cavaliers River Parade
One-of-a-kind celebration of San Antonio and its people

Parade FAQs

What is the theme of the 2025 River Parade and what does it mean to our city?

The parade theme of the 2025 Texas Cavaliers River Parade is Shine Bright: A Celebration of Light and Illumination for All. There is more to come on this upcoming parade theme!

Who is the Grand Marshal for the 2025 parade?

The 2025 Grand Marshal of the Texas Cavaliers River parade is to be announced soon! The 2024 Grand Marshal of the Texas Cavaliers River parade was William Beckmann. Hailing from the small border town of Del Rio, TX, William Beckmann was raised on classic country, absorbing the rich sounds of mariachi and Norteño music from northern Mexico. With a voice that carries the echoes of vintage country, Americana, and Latin influences, Beckmann possesses a timeless baritone that resonates with an old soul maturity beyond his years. From the dusty roads of Del Rio to the illustrious stage of the Grand Ole Opry, Beckmann’s journey has been nothing short of remarkable.

Where can I stand or sit?

If you have reserved seating, look for signs directing you towards your seats. You can find additional seating information though local newspapers or use the parade seat locator on the Fiesta San Antonio page.

Are there any rules or regulations for the parade?

There is a non-smoking ban for all parades in Texas, so you are not permitted to smoke during the River Parade. For more rules and regulations, visit the Fiesta website.

Am I allowed to drink alcohol at the parade?

Yes – many spectators walk around with alcoholic beverages in-hand. Alcoholic beverages are sold at Fiesta, but you can also bring your own beer. No glass containers, please.

Do you accommodate those in wheelchairs?

It is our goal to accommodate all spectators. We will have a handicapped section available and ramps present at the parade.